Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tool #5

I joined both Delicious and Diigo. I believe they are going to be very useful tools. Numerous times I have found myself searching on my home computer late at night for websites to use with my students. In the past I've had to write down the web address or e-mail it to myself so that I can use the site with students the next day. This is tiresome and most of the time I forget. Now, I can keep track of the websites so easily! With Delicious and Diigo you can bookmark, tag and find the address from any computer, as well as share information with groups of people who have the same interest. In addition, this is another way to make collaborating with teachers easier. No more e-mailing links to all of your teammates!

A website I use often is I found it on Diigo, bookmarked it, and found groups of people who use it as well. It is easy to access and easy to search for various lesson plans, students interactives, and printouts for the English/Language Arts teacher. One can search by subject or by grade level to best meet needs for students. Also, a teacher may utilize the professional development section for articles/ideas on different topics/subjects. This is where the highlighting tool will really come in handy!

Another website I discovered is This website offers effective teaching strategies, activities, lessons, lesson plans, worksheets, exercises, skills, tests, assessments for reading comprehension, language arts, literacy, fluency, phonics and phonemic awareness for children, especially those with dyslexia and other reading difficulties. It is right up my alley!


  1. you really have grabbed hold of the idea of building a learning community...sharing sites that are important and useful to you so we all can check them out and see how they can help us!

  2. Have your discovered Google docs yet? It offers the same ease of using and storage as this.

  3. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful websites. I also found myself numerous times searching and looking for different websites and resources that would be exciting and educational for students. I will join Delicious and Diigo because I am positive this will be very useful and will come very handy.
