Monday, June 21, 2010

Tool #11

What a exciting time it is in education with all of the technology we have at our fingertips. We are able to give so many new opportunities to our students. It is our job to teach the students the rules and responsiblities that go with this wonderful technology. We don't leave our students alone and let them figure it our for themselves!

Three things I would want to make sure my students understood about being good digital citizens are :1. information privacy, 2. cyberbullying, and 3. plagiarism.

I build such a strong relationship with the students in my class that I often feel that they are my own. I find myself worrying about their safety, and now with so much access to technology come new worries. It will be my number 1 priority to teach my students rules to maximize their learning experience and keep them safe.

I was so grateful that our wonderful librarian showed a video on BrainPOP to my students about digital citizenship. This was a great video giving basic rules about internet etiquette. Basically, the rules we have in our day to day lives are the same as the ones we have when using technology. I would use this again to introduce how to be a good digital citizen. Also, the creation of flipcharts stating the rules and with examples of good/bad choices would be a way to teach this. Lots of discussion about how to handle certain situations is key. I would also do lots of modeling beforehand as well as active monitoring while they use the technology to ensure that the students are being safe and responsible.

1 comment:

  1. You bring up such a great point! My greatest concern about new technology is keeping our children safe. The number one most important thing we can do is teach them ways to protect themselves and act in appropriate manners so that they know what to do in any given situation. Great points to bring up. Maybe you could provide a link to the BrainPOP video?
